Learn how to create amazing photographs
with your cell phone camera that
make people say "Wow!"
Boring or Beautiful Photographs
When sharing photographs of your life with your family and friends would you rather send boring or beautiful photographs? For your lifetime of memories captured on your cell phone would you rather they were boring or beautiful. Your ability to see creatively is what makes the difference.
The good news is that I have invented a new way of teaching the creative side of photography that will help you learn how to see creatively quickly and easily.
I have simplified visual creativity to 4 Creative Fundamentals: Composition, Angle, Lens Zoom and Lighting. Each creative fundamental has 3 Creative Choices.
You can create different combinations of these creative choices for unique photos with your cell phone camera. You can see these Creative Choices in my 4 Creative Cards.

1. Inspire Your Photographs: Use creative cards like a grocery list to help you remember your different creative choices when taking photographs.
2. Review Your Photographs: Use creative cards to review your photographs creative choices and combinations.
3. Study Other Photographers: Use creative cards to study the creative choices and combinations they made when taking their photographs.
Mini, Medium, In Depth
With some subjects, you may only take one photo, while with others, you’ll take 2 or 3 photos for a Mini creative study. If the subject is particularly interesting to you, take a Medium creative study of 4 to 6 photos or an In Depth creative study of 7 or more photos.
Better chance of an amazing photograph with different combinations of creative choices to choose from.

Review Your Photos Creative Choices
Study the creative choices and combinations that you made when taking your photos.
Study Other Photographers Photos Creative Choices
Study the creative choices and combinations that other photographers made when taking their photos.

Cell Phone Camera to Digital SLR & Mirrorless
Learning how to see creatively works with all cameras. Developing your creative eye is the perfect camera accessory that will work every camera you will own for the rest of your life.

Nature, Travel, People, Scenics ....
Developing your creative eye will help you create beautiful photographs and videos of any subject.

Create Beautiful Photographs and Videos
Cell phones and digital cameras capture both photographs and videos. The creative choices and combinations you learn with my creative cards and workshop work with both.
When playing the piano pressing one key creates a single note. How you combine the notes makes the difference. The secret to great photography is how you combine the creative choices. I teach creativity as individual creative choices which are as easy as pressing a single key on a piano.
- Music combines 3 Notes into a Chord and 4 Chords into a Song.
- For photography I have combined 3 Creative Choices into a Creative Fundamental and 4 Creative Fundamentals into a Photograph.

C Major Chord: Notes C - E - G
G Major Chord: Notes G - B - D
F Major Chord: Notes F - A - C
A Minor Chord: Notes A - C - E
Composition: Framing – Cropping – Placement
Camera Angle: Walk-Around – Height – Tilt
Distance & Lens Zoom: Distance – Zoom – Expand/Compress
Lighting: Type of Light – Time of Day – Angle to Light
Guido D'Arezzo was a monk who lived in the Middle Ages who wrote out music into notes that can be learned and followed combining notes and chords. I have created a way to teach visual learning combining creative choices and fundamentals.

Creative Fundamentals and Quick Reference Cards
Print Out Creative Choices Cards in 4 sizes
You can print out cell phone pages with 1 card on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper, 2 cards, 4 cards and 4 cards on half a sheet of paper a well as 2 mini creative cards.
Larger cards can be used to learn and practice creativity at home and smaller cards are great to fold up and carry with you for quick reference when creating photographs.

Plus Creative Studies - Inspire Review & Study Sheet - Photo Challenges
You get a review and study sheet to review your photographs and study other photographers work. You can fill them out or just use one to visually review and study photographs.

View Creative Cards on Your Cell Phone or Tablet
You can view the creative card on your cell phone, tablet or computer. Zooming in on each creative choice or viewing on cell phone sideways.

Your #1 camera accessory is your creative eye. Learning how to see creatively will make the biggest difference in your photos more than anything else.
Learn & Practice Creativity & Combinations
You can use the Creative Choices Cards to learn and practice them as well as using different creative combinations.
"I have been getting compliments on my cell phone photos when I send them to friends and family."
Jan Sanderson
Our CREATIVE CHOICES CARDS will help you learn the very basics and great quick reference cards. Our CREATE AMAZING PHOTOS With Your Cell Phone workshop goes more in depth with 239 pages where you learn more about the creative choices especially lighting and lens perspective.
Take Your Photography to a Whole New Level
Go deeper into understanding how the creative fundamentals work with our 241 page creative photography workshop. It is very visual with lot of "how to" photos to make it easy to understand. This workshop expands on the Creative Fundamentals found in our Creative Cards.
Learning Lighting and Lens Perspective
Bad Lighting Can Ruin a Photograph
Learning how to find good lighting and use it in your photography is important. The word photograph comes from photo which means light and graph which means to draw so you are drawing with light when you take photographs.
Lens Perspective Changes the View of Your Subject
Lens perspective which will expand or compress your subject and the area around it is very important to understand. Develop Your Creative Eye workshop shows you how to work with it to create the best photograph for your subject.
Learn Creative Combinations Photography
Have Fun Creating Unique Photographs
Creative Combinations Photography is a new type of photography that lets you combine our creative choices into different combinations for unique photographs. The combination you choose will create your unique vision of the subject.
Creative Photography is a Great Social Activity
Create Social Connections Outside of the House
Creative photography is a great social activity that can get you out of the house and in places where you can meet other people.
Instead of just standing around you can be looking for great subjects and combinations of creative choices to photograph. Taking photos can be an excuse to be there.
Conversations may start about you photographing something and looking at different creative choices. You can show people images you have taken on your cell phone or camera to let them see how creative your photos are.

SHARING PHOTOS & STORIES: You can send your photos from your cell phone to family and friends. You can also tell the story of how you found your subject and the different creative choice combinations you tried to come up with the photograph.
ONLINE SHARING: You can share your photos online with photo sharing websites like Facebook and Instagram which creates social activity online. You may also want to tell the story behind the photo of how you found the subject and the different creative choices you used to photograph it.
Always be respectful of other people. If someone asks you not to photograph something, politely say okay, smile and move on.
Creative Photography is a Great Healthy Brain Activity
Creative photography helps you create amazing photographs and get a healthier brain at the same time. Just like dark chocolate tastes great and is good for you it’s a win, win.
Creative photography helps you get a healthier brain 3 ways by increasing brain activity, physical activity and social activity.

1. Increase Your Brain Activity
For your brain to exercise it needs unique challenges. Just walking around taking photos is not challenging for the brain. Looking at different creative choices and combinations of creative choices when photographing gives your brain a great workout.
2. Increase Your Physical Activity
Increased physical activity is good for your health but also sends more blood to the brain which is good for it. Getting up and moving around to photograph different subjects from different angles increases your physical activity. You can take photos indoors, outdoors and even take a road trip.
3. Increase Your Social Activity
Social activity is very important for your brain. Going out and taking photos gets you out of the house and you have more of a chance to meet people. You can also do it as an activity with family members and friends.
Sharing Photos Online
You can share your photographs on your Facebook page with family and friends around the world. You can also share your photos on photo sharing websites. Telling the story of how you took the photograph is great for social interaction as well.
Technical Settings Inside Camera
vs. Creative Choices in Front of Camera
The secret to taking amazing photographs is not the technical settings inside the camera, it is the creative choices you make in front of the camera.
There are two sides to photography. The technical side inside the camera and the creative side in front of the camera. Even if you know all the technical settings on a digital camera your photographs will still be boring unless you were born with a creative eye and make good creative choices.

Technically Okay but Creatively Boring
A photograph can be technically good, not too light or too dark and in focus and still be boring if it has bad creative choices. You need great creative choices to create great photographs.
A camera can be set on Auto. Creative choices can only be made by the photographer.
Your creative choices, the angle you choose, where you place the subject in your photograph, how you crop and frame it, your lens perspective and lighting are what makes a photograph beautiful.
Lighting by itself can make or break a photograph. Learning how to find and use great natural light will make an incredible difference in your photographs.
Two Separate Worlds
Technical Camera Settings and Creative Choices are two separate worlds. There is no camera setting that will change your camera angle from a low to a high angle. Creative choices are outside a cameras technical controls.
Tech Dad & Creative Daughter
I was talking with a man who owned a fancy digital camera, who said he knew all the technical settings on it but his photos were boring.
He said when his 18 year old daughter borrowed his camera she put it on Auto and took amazing photographs. The difference is she was born with a natural creative eye and spent her time concentrating on her subject not the camera settings.
A photograph can be technically good, not too light or too dark and in focus but still be boring if it has bad creative choices. Technical settings can be set on Auto. Creative choices can only be made by the photographer.
Cooking School Disaster
Imagine going to a cooking school and having the chef tell you that to bake a cake ingredients don’t matter. All that matters is that you set the time and temperature in the oven so your cake is not over or under cooked. You can put in any ingredients you want like 2 cups of salt or a teaspoon of salt. Ingredients don’t matter.
This would make no sense. In the same way your creative choices are the ingredients you need to create amazing photographs.

A Recipe Without Ingredients
In cooking, a recipe has 3 parts. 1. The ingredients, 2. How to mix the ingredients and 3. The time and temperature settings.
Imagine finding a recipe that has no ingredients, no instructions on how to mix the ingredients and only the oven time and temperature. Here you can see a recipe with ingredients and mixing instructions and a recipe with only time and temperature.
With & Without Ingredients

With & Without Creative Choices

Creative Choices Photography Recipe
In the same way you need creative choices as ingredients and mixing instructions for them to create amazing photographs.
In photography the recipe for a photograph has 3 parts. 1. Creative Choices, 2. Instructions for Mixing/Combining Creative Choices and 3. Technical settings.
In the first photo recipe you can see Creative choices and Mixing Instructions for them. In the second Photo recipe the only thing you see are the technical settings.
Often technical settings are emphasized and the creative choices are forgotten. My creative cards and workshop are very visual making them easier to understand and faster to learn.
Cooking Show Disaster
Imagine a person in a cooking show competition setting their dish down in front of the chef judge. When the chef judge sees it they say it looks terrible, when they taste it and it tastes terrible.
The person tells the judge they are concentrating on the wrong things. The important thing is that the dish was not undercooked or over cooked. How the dish looks and tastes is not important. The ingredients were not important. A teaspoon of salt or cup of salt didn't matter. Only the cooking time and temperature matter.
This would make no sense. In the same way your creative choices are the ingredients you need to create amazing photographs.
Professional Photographer, Instructor and World Traveler
My experience as a professional photographer with clients from IBM to Proctor & Gamble as well as fashion photography in Vogue, author of best selling photography books, photography workshop instructor, inventor of patented photography equipment and world traveler have all gone into making DEVELOP YOUR CREATIVE EYE an amazing photography workshop.
I’ve taught photography to people from ambassadors at the United Nations to high school students at national journalism conventions. I also teach Digital Camera, Exposure, Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom and other photo software workshops.
I put the lessons I learned the hard way into this workshop to help you learn the easy way and much faster. In addition to my years of experience I spent a lot of time and energy putting this workshop together with lots of photographs and illustrations to help you learn visually.
Creative Cards
A great way to quickly improve your photographs. A creative eye is your best camera accessory.
Creative Workshop
Take your photography to a new level with more in depth learning about creativity.
Our CREATE AMAZING PHOTOS workshop will give you a much deeper understanding of creative photography and take your photography to a whole new level.
Learning how to see creatively it is a lifetime skill that will help you create amazing photographs of any subject from nature to travel, family, pets and any subject you like to photograph. Composition and Angle can come naturally but Lens Perspective and Lighting must be learned.
Learning how to see creatively is also your best camera accessory. Your creative eye will work with every camera you own for the rest of your life from cell phone cameras to point & shoot cameras, expensive digital cameras and video cameras.
Your Choice: Boring or Beautiful Photographs
Would you like to be known as a creative person? Would you like to add some creative fun to your life? Would you like to create a lifetime of boring or beautiful photographs? You can keep taking photos that are boring or learn how to take beautiful photographs that family and friends will admire and look forward to seeing.
Studies show that people forget 80% of what they learn in an in person workshop within 2 weeks. In teaching, they say a student must go over the same material at least 8 times to understand it. Having this workshop on your computer lets you go over the material as many times as you need to.
If you do take a photography workshop in person, taking this workshop first will make you one of the smartest people in the class.
Take at Your Own Pace
You can take my workshop at your own pace, learning a section, taking a break and then going on to the next section. Sometimes when you don’t use something every day you can forget some of it.
Once you download this workshop you can review it for years to come as a refresher when important events come up even 5 or 10 years from now. Once you learn how to see creatively you will never look at the world the same way again.
The Power of Creative Combinations
Simple Creative Choices Combine into Powerful Creative Combinations: Some people look at the simplicity of the creative choices and think they aren’t important.
The impact of each creative choice is powerful and the combination of all the creative choices together in a photograph is even more powerful. Learning how to combine creative choices helps people learn to think creatively by combining different choices together into different combinations of choices.
Very Visual Workshop
My Develop Your Creative Eye Workshop is very visual with lots of comparison photographs and illustrations to make it easier to understand. There are also assignments for each chapter that you can do to help you learn.
Have More Fun
You will have more fun creating photos and amaze your friends once you have learned how to see creatively. Get started today learning the creative side of photography.
1. Learn how to see creatively with any camera and any subject for the rest of your life.
2. Create amazing photographs that will make people say "Wow!"
3. Learn how to see creatively like music with 4 Creative Fundamentals and 3 Creative Choices each.
4. Do Creative Study's that are combinations of creative choices.
5. Inspire your photography with different creative choice combinations.
6. Review your photographs creative choices.
7. Study the creative choices other photographers made when creating their photographs.
8. Increase your social life going out and creating photographs and sharing your photographs online and in person. A free hobby.
9. Exercise your brain with unique challenges from choosing different creative combinations. Learn how to think creatively combining visual choices into different combinations.
10. Take at your own pace and review for years to come.
Start Today
Order this workshop today to start learning how to see creatively and have fun creating amazing photographs that you can share with your family and friends that make them say “Wow!” Click the Order button now!
Boring or Beautiful
You can keep taking boring photos or learn how to create beautiful photographs. It is more fun to create beautiful photographs.
Someday vs. Today
If you keep doing what you’re doing, you keep getting what you are getting. Are you ready to learn how to get better results and have more fun taking photos that people will love to see?
The Creative Cards are in a pdf file. When downloading to your computer look for this pdf file in your downloads folder.
Downloading to an iPhone look for the pdf file in your Download folder. (Go to the Files app, tap the Browse tab, tap the iCloud drive, tap the downloads folder)
Android phone
Downloading to an Android phone look for the pdf file in the Documents folder. (Tap on you My Files icon or File Manager, tap on Documents, tap on Download or look in Recent Files at the top of the screen)